Content Desigers are Witchers!

Bala Meenakshisundaram
3 min readFeb 19, 2022


Hear me out on this one.

If you watch the series — which I assume most of you do — did you at any point of watching it catch yourself thinking ‘Wait, that’s me?’

Well, I did. Somwhere around the 7th episode of Season 2.

I get it, it’s probably cliche comparing oneself to popular TV or movie characters. But I’ve got my reasons. For starters, we’re a wickedly goodlooking bunch, aren’t we? Yet we’re ever so modest and down to earth. This is a common trend I’ve observed with my fellow content designers.

Plus, we’re a ridiculously nerdy bunch. We take sapiosexual to a whole new level.

Too much? Agree to disagree.

How about this? We’re all (mostly) introverts just like the White Wolf. We keep to ourselves mostly because of prevailing lack of understanding of us, our nature, and our craft, just like Geralt. We are seriously misunderstood creatures just like the reclusive mutant warrior sorcerer.

Our pets get us best. Don’t you agree?

A few people know how to tickle a content designer’s brain. Among all the misinformation and misunderstanding of who we are and what we do, there are those few souls, like dear old Yennefer and the Bard, who actually get us and how to bring out the best in us.

I’m sure you’ll agree that we’re all magical, won’t you? At least those working with us think we are. Otherwise what else could possibly explain the next-to-impossible requests for copy at the elevneth hour?

And the good souls that we are, we drink that potion(coffee), get our freak (geek)on, and go battle it out with the problems our customers face, and emerge bloody and bruised, yet victorious just in the nick of time. Always.

I’d say that’s definietly magical.

Also, responsibilities tend to find us, and we, tend to revel in them. While we may have the choice to not take them on, come on, in our minds it’s not really a choice at all, right?

While Geralt has to take responsibility for, train and nurture Ciri to become whatever destiny has in store for her, so do we have to take responsibility for our craft. Our craft is our baby and we would be happy to talk about it, teach it, protect it and fight for it, with anybody.

We wear multiple hats, just like the White Wolf. Geralt is a killer of monsters, protector of Chaos, teacher of Ciri, a friend of the Bard, a man of his word, and so much more.

We are caretakers of our craft, warriors for our cause, advocates for our users, nurturers of collaboration, destroyers of silos, and teachers to our peers. Sometimes we’re also traslators, mediators, localization managers, project managers — you get the idea.

That’s all that I could think of. Any other similarites with the White Wolf that I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments. Are there other characters, real or fictional, that you feel you could draw parallels to? I’m curious to know!

